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VOICE Ambassador Karen Leach speaks to the BBC at #Glasgow2018

Karen Leach at the VOICE International Conference, Cologne, May 2018
This BBC report includes a short interview with Karen Leach, one of our inspirational ambassadors. Her interview contains important messages for sport organizations and anyone who may want to disclose their own experiences of sexual violence.BBC Report featuring Karen Leach

Launch of new VOICE film

The Workshop also saw the launch of a new short film featuring one of our inspirational ambassadors, Colin Harris. Colin attended the week in Cologne and spoke to the group about his experiences of abuse in sport and his struggle to find his own voice in speaking out on this issue. Everyone was moved by Colin’s contribution. The film can be viewed on our Twitter account @Voicessport or via our Vimeo page. Please share this with your networks and encourage them to share it with their local organisations.

Ralf Zitzmann speaks of the sexual abuse he experienced at the hands of his football coach

English version Ralf Zitzmann
“It makes sense to speak about what has happened.”
Ralf Zitzmann
Ralf Zitzmann experienced sexual violence in his younger days. His football coach was the perpetrator. Ralf describes his story publicly in the project ‘unbreakable’. His coach silenced him with the words: “Ralf, we understand each other. Don’t we?”. Ralf describes feelings of helplessness. He didn’t know who to address about his experience.  He is able to talk 30 years later about his experiences. Ralf Zitzmann feels it is important to speak out in an attempt to prevent future sexual abuse.  
German Version Ralf Zitzmann
“Es macht Sinn, darüber zu sprechen, was passiert ist.”
Ralf Zitzmann
Ralf Zitzmann hat in seiner Jugend sexualisierte Gewalt erfahren. Sein Fußballltrainer war der Täter. In dem Projekt ‚unbreakable’ beschreibt er seine Geschichte. Sein Trainer hat ihn immer mit den Worten: ‚“Ralf, wir verstehen uns doch! Oder?“ zum Schweigen gebracht. Er beschreibt Gefühle von Ohnmacht. Er wußte nicht, an wen er sich wenden konnte.
30 Jahre später spricht er über seine Erfahrungen. Er findet es wichtig, darüber zu reden, um weitere sexualisierte Übergriffe zu verhindern.

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